Top 7 Travel Skin-Care Tips & Products for Glowing Skin!

Whether you're going away for the weekend or backpacking around Europe for the Summer packing the perfect combination of travel skin-care products is a must! I mean, who wants to travel with dry, dull skin? I sure don't. I not only pack the essentials for healthy skin but I also add a few extra goodies to treat myself while abroad!

If you don't know, I'm obsessed with organic and non-toxic skin-care products. Nothing makes me happier than finding a brand that's effective, non-toxic and organic. With that said I knew it was time to share my Top 7 Travel Skin-Care Tips and Products so that you can have glowing skin during every vacation.

1. Hydrate Like Your Skin Depends On It! Hydrating internally is the key to dewy, glowing skin. There's really no way around it. A water bottle should be the first item on your list if you're traveling. Nothing you apply to your skin will be effective if your body is in desperate need of hydration. It's recommended for women for drink at least 75 oz. of water per day for beautiful skin. BONUS: Your bowel movements will be on point! Many people suffer from constipation while on vacation. Whether it's being away from home or eating different foods, staying hydrated will help regulate your bowel movement, which naturally detoxes your body and results in healthy skin! Here are a few water bottles with filters: Reho 17 oz.pH Hydrate and Luxtea.

2. What You Eat Matters. I get it! You're on vacation. YOLO is the mood and you're ready to pig out. But for the sake of your skin, do so in moderation. Eating foods that are excessively greasy, jam packed with dairy and highly processed can seriously ruin your skin. I know you don't want to walk around on your glorious vacation with a zit on your face! So keep the junk foods to a minimum. Eat simpler, healthier foods for breakfast and lunch, and treat yourself for dinner. Foods that are amazing for maintaining gorgeous skin are berries, salmon, broccoli, kale, avocados and dark chocolate. When you land at your destination, hit a farmers market or supermarket and stock up on yummy foods. Traveling with one or two glass container will make it easy explore and be on the go while eating well.

3. Invest in Multi-Purpose Products. As an organic skin-care artisan and junkie, I know how easy it can be to want to pack fifty different products with you when you travel. I also know that the beauty industry has made it its mission to sell us products that conveniently are only meant for a singular purpose. Queue the elixir meant only for your baby toe... When I created SunKiss Organics, it was important for me to create products you can use for more than one purpose. The serums are a cleanser, make-up remover and a moisturizer. The toner is not only a toner but a makeup setting spray, and the balms also double as a facial night cream when your skin is thirsty.

4. Never Under Estimate The Power of SPF! You're probably sick and tired of hearing this but trust me you need a good sunblock. On a daily basis SPF can prevent premature wrinkles and while on vacation, especially if you're going somewhere sunny, an effective sunblock can prevent sunburn. I recently traveled with my best friend to Miami for the weekend and despite applying SPF she got the worst sunburn ever! I'm talking swollen eyes, super sensitive skin and swear her body was radiating heat. Avoid the discomfort and long-term signs of aging by using SPF. It's also crucial to avoid sunblocks with the following toxic ingredients:

- Oxybenzone and Other Endocrine-Disrupting Chemicals
- Retinol or Retinyl Palmitate
- Nanoparticles in Spray, Aerosol or Powder Sunscreens
- Fragrance

Many of which not only seep into your skin wrecking havoc on your hormones but are also carcenogenic. Always aim to purchase sunblock that is mineral based, making it less likely to seep sick into your skin, and with a low rating on the Think Dirty app. A few of my favorites are the 100% PURE YERBA MATE MIST SPF 30 and SUNTEGRITY SPF30 FOR BODY 3OZ.

5. Mask While You Fly! This is a trick I learned from my friend Mary Vin Rose. It might make you appear like a weirdo while on the plane but your skin will thank you when you land. I always suffered from dry skin whenever I took a flight. That's because the humidity on flights is at 20% are our is skin is used to being exposed to anywhere from 40-70% humidity. That's why applying a mask during your flight is a great way to replenish your skin of hydration! Here are a few masks that are perfect for traveling and applying on a flight: 100% Pure Bright Eyes Mask, 100% Pure Green Tea Water Bomb Mask, & the Dermal Snail Hydro Gel Mask.

6. Gently Scrub Your Skin! Does your skin appear dull after a flight? Blame that on the cabin pressure, which closely resembles standing on top of a mountain. High altitude means decreased blood flow, which causes dull looking skin. Gently scrubbing your skin will not only remove dead skin cells which automatically brightens your skin and increases blood flow as well! BONUS: If you get sunburned, gently exfoliating your skin once it begins to peel will also help with the healing process. My top choices for non-toxic and organic facial scrubs are the SunKiss Organics Mocha Latte Coffee Scrub and the 100% Pure Acai Pulp Facial Scrub. 

7. Catch All the ZZZZs: Your body repairs itself during deep sleep, and unsurprisingly rejuvenates your skin as well! When you receive 7-8 hours of sleep you release growth hormones that estimate cell rejuvenation. Many of us get less sleep while on vacation and return home more exhausted than when we left, and that's a major problem for your skin! Whether you're on a red eye flight or have trouble sleeping anywhere other than your bed, I highly suggest taking a melatonin supplement. Melatonin is produced naturally by the body during sleep, and at times can be interrupted by different time zones or irregular sleep times. 

There you have it mama, all of my top secrets for popping skin! Now tell me, what are your top travel skin-care tips and products?


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